My first time testing my custom Snow BMX bike in mtb downhill terrain! Super fun, but super hard!
Riding my Bmx bike around an abandoned hotel resort and came over this sick pool!! This place had loads of good spots to ride.
Wow, Chad Kerley bangs you over the head for nearly 5-minutes in this new HEATER from Haro Bikes. Chad's technical skill has been obvious for a while, but he's still constantly progressing that skill, as well as improving his taste for trick and spot selection. But don't keep reading this, hit that play button.
"Chad Kerley sets a new standard for himself with this flat out amazing street edit for Haro BMX. People are picking their jaws up off the floor after watching this edit so don't wait another minute, hit play and find out why!" - Haro
Filmed by Christian Rigal
Edited by Christian Rigal
Music - Sugar Candy Mountain
Song 1: Windows
Song 2: Change
Album: 666
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Taking place during select Monster Energy Supercross events the Toyota BMX Triple Challenge has proven to be the premiere event for pushing the level of dirt riding and BMX as a whole. In its second year, the two jump, winner takes all has continually brought out the gnarliest riding from the best riders in the world.
Check out the 3rd and final event from the 2018 Toyota BMX Triple Challenge!
NYC might be covered in snow, but Thursday morning is prime time for some BMX! Let's hit the streets with Sam Downs' for the final episode of Posted Up!
Want to see your best tricks and sickest runs on Network A? Send us your videos here: http://www.networka.com/submit-your-videos-here-to-get-published-on-network-a
Get your weekly dose of BMX with Episode 2 of Sam Downs' Posted Up! Make sure you check back next week for the final part of the series!
After taking an Heli with their bikes, Andreu & Lluis Lacondeguy get lost in the Andorra mountains.
Shot 100% on GoPro -- https://goo.gl/LJnF3c
Mounts used in this video -- https://goo.gl/SBvR5V
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"Club Soda OG3"
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For Mongoose Jam 2017 Team Illingworth went beyond simply killing it on their bikes and they had some fun with their video by adding in a little skit. With Greg Illingworth's speed and style, Van Homan's legendary full throttle burly action, new-school tech wiz Murray Loubser, and camper Jack Seeley with some street steez, every obstacle at Woodward was open game. South African lensman Kevin Schnider nailed it with the camera work, making a unique video that is fun to watch.
Nathan Williams - STILL UNITED FILES - Episode 7 - DIGBMX / Subscribe to the DIG channel for more videos - http://bit.ly/DigBMX
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If ever there was a riding perfectionist, it's Nathan Williams. If it doesn't meet Nathan's sky high expectations of himself then it doesn't get used, end of. Watching the extra clips from his NORA Cup winning Still United section is not your usual "leftovers video"... one of our favourite bike riders on the planet. What a beast.
SPECIAL OFFER from our Official DIG partners www.unitedbikeco.com
Buy the full Still United DVD download for only $4.99 and watch today: https://unitedbikeco.com/colle...
A DIG EXCLUSIVE / Filmed by Peter Adam
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