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For Mongoose Jam 2017 Team Illingworth went beyond simply killing it on their bikes and they had some fun with their video by adding in a little skit. With Greg Illingworth's speed and style, Van Homan's legendary full throttle burly action, new-school tech wiz Murray Loubser, and camper Jack Seeley with some street steez, every obstacle at Woodward was open game. South African lensman Kevin Schnider nailed it with the camera work, making a unique video that is fun to watch.
Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, ‘Street Sweeper’, 1967.
Rider: Brandon Semenuk
Film/Edit: Rupert Walker
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Animation: Scott Waraniak
VFX: Dan Gaud
Audio: Keith White
Photography: Hector Saura
Music: Snake Eyes (Instrumental) – The Earth and Arrow (Licensing through Marmoset Music)
Voice Over: Martin Luther King Jr. – Street Sweeper Speech
Nathan Williams - STILL UNITED FILES - Episode 7 - DIGBMX / Subscribe to the DIG channel for more videos - http://bit.ly/DigBMX
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If ever there was a riding perfectionist, it's Nathan Williams. If it doesn't meet Nathan's sky high expectations of himself then it doesn't get used, end of. Watching the extra clips from his NORA Cup winning Still United section is not your usual "leftovers video"... one of our favourite bike riders on the planet. What a beast.
SPECIAL OFFER from our Official DIG partners www.unitedbikeco.com
Buy the full Still United DVD download for only $4.99 and watch today: https://unitedbikeco.com/colle...
A DIG EXCLUSIVE / Filmed by Peter Adam
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As mountain bikers it is our nature to explore and get lost in the woods in search of the next prime stretch of singletrack. Riding in Whitefish and the surrounding Flathead Forrest of Montana, there are opportunities abound for us to fulfill this inner desire. Whitefish Mountain is the hub of riding activity with purpose built park jumps and rugged natural, mountain lines linking together a lift-serve experience that rivals any park in the country. We spent many an afternoon testing the limits of our trail bikes there. Venturing outside of town limits and into the fringes of this sparsely populated state, miles of trails were revealed. The high ridge-lines of the Alpine Trail network provide distant views of glaciers and what felt like endless turns. Further west, strewn between the lakes region, we found untracked dirt veiled by seasons of pine needle decay. After a week exploring the region, we began to question ourselves and ponder relocation to this alcove of like-minded riders, world-class trails, and the plethora of local breweries was an additional draw.
Filmed by: Joey Schusler & Craig Grant
Edited by: Craig Grant
Cable Cam Tech: John Reynolds
Sound Design: Keith White
Music Composition: Ajay Bhattacharyya
Riders: Shawn Neer & Jubal Davis
YetiCycles #ProvenHere #SB5
Meet Harry Denton, a normal 16-year-old from new Zealand with one insane skill: Bike manuals. Think you have it takes to hang with Harry? Just check out this footage of him setting the Guinness Book of World Records mark with a manual of over 1,111 feet and think again.
No doubt you watched the debut installment of Nigel Sylvester's POV BMX series, Go!, in which he conquered the streets of NYC by bike. I mean, the thing has almost 2 million views on YouTube. If you missed it, you were living under a rock. Today, however, Nigel is back for the sequel, which finds Nike-backed pro cruising the star-studded streets of LA by helicopter, BMX, and even Ferrari. Needless to say, this dude is living the dream.
I don't know about you, but when we think of carving lines in the Alaskan backcountry, with think of helis, summit-to-ocean steeps, and plenty of pristine powder. Freeride Vincent Tupin and Martin Söderström had a different idea, however, taking to America's final frontier in the middle of summer for one of the raddest mountain bike edits we've seen in awhile. If you're ready to trade the groomers for some fresh loam, then this one is for you.
I'll freely admit, one of the most terrifying moments of my life was getting caught in a Mt. Washington thunderstorm in the dead of July. The wind was whipping over 40 miles per hour, the temperature dropped 30 degrees in five minutes, and increasingly large chunks of hail began falling out what had been, the last time I checked, a bluebird sky. I've told this story a number of times over the years—reinforcing Mt. Washington's claim to the "world's worst weather"—but today is the last time, because today is the day I watched Tim Johnson climb the damn thing on a bike...in January. Kudos my friend, you are a f'ing beast.
Remember that video of trials riding on a road bike that went viral a few months back? Well Yoan Birelli just took that concept to the next level, putting his Cyclocross bike through the paces on a jump filled mountain bike course. Needless to say, this one will rattle all your fillings out.
Tim Knoll has one of the most unique perspectives in today's BMX industry, and his latest part—which finds the flatland wizard hitting the streets of Berlin for some mind-boggling hi-jinx—is proof of that and more. Check it out. Go pop some Excedrin. Check it out again.