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Ken Block and Bucky Lasek had a bro-ment and rode the Slingshot together

Ken Block and Bucky Lasek are just 2 buddies having a good time down in Daytona Beach, Florida. With their new GoPro Hero 4 Black cameras they decided to have a bro-ment (bro + moment = bro-ment) on the Slingshot ride, made infamous by DMX, and film it POV style. They definitely enjoy the ride more than DMX did...

What do you think of this bro-ment? Tell us in the Comments.

Bob Burnquist's "Dreamland" is the most insane skate video ever

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Bob Burnquist is one of the most innovative and influential skateboarders of all time. He has pioneered new obstacles, like the full loop and the corkscrew jump, many of which he has built at his home in California. Burnquist also constructed a MegaRamp on the property, and in the new video for his "Dreamland" series, Burnquist puts the ramp to previously unthought-of uses. This is Burnquist's first full part since 2010 and it is so worth the wait. Burnquist built a massive hip on his MegaRamp that sends him across a 15-foot gap. Then there is a helicopter transfer that you have to see (over and over and over again) to believe.

Do you think this is the best skate video ever? Tell us in the Comments.

Like this? Watch another incredible video of a heated snowboard that melts snow!

52-year-old skate legend Duane Peters still takes bloody slams

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When you skateboard for over 40 years you're bound to bag a ton disgusting of injuries. Especially when you skate with the tenacity and reckless abandon of OG legend Duane Peters. The 52-year-old Master of Disaster is still charging, and still taking the licks that come along with that. A recent pool slam that left Peters with a bloody head made its way to Thrasher's Hall of Meat. We should all be glad that Duane Peters is not mellowing with age.

What do you think of this skate slam? Tell us in the Comments.

How NOT to do feeble grinds on a BMX bike

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A feeble grind isn't a particularly difficult trick for a BMX rider like Max Eyre. But sometimes things go wrong and the next thing you know your T-shirt is ripping. That's what happened to Eyre. He was smoothly locked into a feeble grind on this bench, then his pedal got hung up, he went over the handlebars and somehow the hem of his shirt got caught on his grips and now Eyre has a hole in his shirt. You can even hear him say, "What the fuck?!" as it's going down. But the best part is the woman in the background casting her her judging gaze and thinking, "I remember my first feeble grind." Let this be a warning that stray items of clothing can cause the worst bike slams..

How epic is this feeble grind fail? Tell us in the Comments.

Robertos Powell
7 crazy wipeouts from Day 2 of the Billabong Pro Tahiti

Miguel Pupo, Kai Otton, and Brett Simpson pay their dues at Teahupoo. As one of the announcers explained during the Billabong Pro Tahiti, one of the hard truths of surfing at Teahupoo is that if you want to be good at riding the barrel, you also have to be good at eating it. On Day 2 of the contest, the top ASP surfers did plenty of both. The eating it end of the spectrum featured Pupo, Otton, Simpson, Ace Buchan, and Adam Melling. The surfers committed to making late drops but their commitment was sometimes rewarded with trips over the falls.

Even pros like Figgy sack rails

Justin "Figgy" Figueroa was a serious contender for Thrasher's Skater of the Year last year. His part in Baker's "Bake and Destroy" video dropped many a jaw. But Figgy also got served plenty of times while filming. Including two at the same spot. So the next time you think you have what it takes to be SKOTY, just ask yourself if you have what it takes to go through this.

NYPD tries to stop longboard skaters during Broadway Bomb, fails miserably

The Broadway Bomb brings together more than 2,500 longboard skaters each year in New York City to push eight miles through Manhattan, from West 116th Street to the Charging Bull in the Financial District. Since it's inception in 2000, the NYPD has tried to hamper the event by hassling skaters, blocking roads, and even handing out tickets. This year the NYPD busted out the orange netting to try and corrall the skaters. They failed miserably. It was so bad that someone set the folly to the music from Benny Hill and it couldn't be more appropriate.

Valet has no freakin' clue how to park a Lamborghini Aventador

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If you oversee valet parking at a posh hotel in Monaco, we're guessing you know your way around a luxury automobile. We've always just assumed that everyone in Monaco is either like James Bond, or a James Bond villain. But it turns out the principality has its share of jabronis, too. A valet parking attendant at the Hotel de Paris backed a Lamborghini Aventador into a parking space near the hotel. After successfully navigating the supercar into its spot, the valet felt pretty proud of himself. So he revved the engine. The only problem was, he was still in gear, and he crashed the Lamborghini into another car in the driveway. The owner of this Lambo probably wishes he'd parked his Aventador himself, but then this probably would've happened.

What would you do to the valet if this was your car? Tell us in the Comments.

niki motorsport
Shaun White crashed at Olympic slopestyle qualifying yesterday

Snowboarder Shaun White suffered a major crash on his first run at Olympic slopestyle qualifying at Mammoth Mountain on Thursday but managed to bounce back and win the event on his second run to secure a spot on the first U.S. Olympic slopestyle team. On his first run, White took off on the second jump on the slopestyle course but caught his toe edge on the landing and took a serious slam. He was on the ground for about five minutes and was tended to by ski patrol before he was able to ride back down. "I haven’t taken a hit like that in a long time. I was almost thinking about calling the whole event. I couldn’t really see straight and everything was a little blurry," White said after the event. "Then I sat there and decided to do that second run."

On his second run, White earned the highest score of the day (95.20) to punch his ticket to Sochi. The two-time defending Olympic halfpipe gold medalist will have a chance to earn a spot on the pipe team on Friday.

Skater Raven Tershy has trouble running and skating at the same time

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This one really got away from skater Raven Tershy. The Trunk Boy is usually one of the smoothest skaters out there, and can even pull off a sick array of tricks without shoes on. But Tershy traded in fastplants for faceplants on this rainy day. He sprinted like the wind across the entire skatepark only to have things end terribly before he even gets his footing. This belongs in the Hall of Meat Hall of Fame.

What do you think of this skate slam? Tell us in the Comments.

Skater tries to take the stairs but the stairs take him instead

Mike Mitzner gets concussed.
Rolling off a curb usually isn't too tough. But when you combine a bunch of them together and add in the element of a hill bomb the difficulty factor gets ratcheted up. Mitzner learned his lesson, but probably forgot it after busting his head open and getting a concussion.

Bob Burnquist built a floating miniramp in the middle of Lake Tahoe

Bob Burnquist is one of the most progressive skaters of all time. It's not just because of how he skates, but what he skates. Fullpipes, crazy Megaramps with hips, and, oh yeah, helicopters. Burnquist's latest invention is a floating miniramp in the middle of Lake Tahoe. Visit California recruited Burnquist to take on the project as part of its "Dream Big" campaign. It wasn't easy. Master rampbuilder Jeff King and his team spent 300 man hours and used 1,250 screws to create the 7,300-pound ramp. But for Burnquist, who says, "All my dreams came true in California," this was yet another example of an "out there" idea turning into reality.

What do you think of this floating miniramp? Tell us in the Comments.

Visit California
Skater slams on obstacle he had no business skating in the first place

Everything that is possible in skateboarding was at some point impossible. So you have to admire skater Brian Downey's attempt at sliding on this retaining wall that was constructed from a series of upside down U-shaped pipes. That said, there was no way in hell this was ever going to end well. This was destined to be in Thrasher's Hall of Meat as soon as he started rolling.

What do you think of this skate slam? Tell us in the Comments.

A spectator borrowed pro mountain biker Adam Brayton's bike. He shouldn't have

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There were plenty of vicious mountain bike slams at this year's UCI World Cup event in Cairns, Australia. But none of them more brutal than Ben McGowan's. And he wasn't even competing. After pro mountain biker Adam Brayton crashed into a tree during his run—receiving a 9-inch gash on his shin in the process—McGowan, a bike mechanic, was asked by race officials to retrieve Brayton's bike. The crowd started egging on McGowan to ride the bike. McGowan, who rides downhill himself, obliged. He shouldn't have. McGowan rode the bike into the whoops section with an ungodly amount of speed. He got bucked off the bike and suffered a brutal slam. McGowan broke two vertebrae and dislocated a shoulder. Hopefully he recovers quickly and let's Brayton get his own damn bike next time.

Is this the worst mountain bike crash you've ever seen? Tell us in the Comments.

Here's what not to do on a dirt bike

There's lots of crazy things people do on dirt bikes: Russians play soccer on them, some hillbillies drive them up impossibly steep hills, and one guy taunts a ram with his bike. But this rider's crazy was not intentional. This guy probably just thought he was going to have a pleasant little trail ride to clear his head and reflect on nature's glory. That ended quickly when he got bucked by a monster tree root and was thrown into a lake. We could say more, but this rider really summed things up perfectly: "Fuck!" Have fun rebuilding that bike.

These motorized drift tricycles look fun as all hell

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There has been an endless stream of less-than-awesome Kickstarter campaigns within the skateboarding and biking realms. Things like the one-wheeled skateboard, the cheesy stair-climbing skateboard, and the ridiculous Halfbike. But we finally have something that blends drifting and bikes on Kickstarter that we can all get behind: Tortuga Trikes.

What's a Tortuga Trike you ask? Well, it's a hand-built, gas-powered tricycle made specifically for drifting. The rear wheels are wrapped in PVC pipe so they can slide easily. It has a 6.5-horsepower engine that goes up to 30 miles per hour. And with a price tag of $1,799, it's cheaper than a missile car!

Tricycle drifting is an underrated pasttime, and we can only imagine what someone like Ryan Tuerck and Chris Forsberg could do on these things. To help make these Tortuga Trikes a reality, go to their Kickstarter page.

What do you think of the Tortuga Trike? Tell us in the Comments.

Tortuga Trikes
Here is why you never mock the ocean's power by dancing

When you're staring at the ocean and a massive surge comes slamming at the seawall, your first thought should always be "Get to higher ground." It shouldn't be, "Nanny nanny boo boo, the ocean is a poo poo." One woman at Sardinero Beach in Satander, Spain tried the latter approach and it didn't gowell. When the wave approached, the woman started dancing in an attempt to taunt the ocean (who does that?). The ocean didn't like that so it swept the woman off her feet and dragged her along the sea wall. The woman was not seriously injured, only suffering a few bumps and bruises, but now has to deal with the entire internet laughing at her.

What do you think of this video? Tell us in the Comments below.

Óscar Morenus
Guy test drives Porsche 997 GT3, crashes it

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The dreaded mid-life crisis. For years, men have tried to cure it by purchasing a sports car. Perhaps that's what was happening when this man test drove a Porsche 997 GT3 in South Africa. He wanted to feel the power and exhilaration of driving such a finely-engineered vehicle. And, boy, was it powerful. And fun. Until he crashed it.

While taking a right turn on a road that was known for its bumps, the driver floored it, shot over the bumps, over the curbs, and into a fence. Wonder what the salesman had to say afterward.

Is this the worst test drive ever? Tell us in the Comments.

[h/t Car Throttle]

This is what happens when you show off during a Porsche test drive gone wrong, how do you explain this?? narrated and filmed by Daniel Mellitchey

Craig Schelin
This video shows you how NOT to watch your friend drift

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Fair warning: This is pretty graphic.

Drifting is exciting. We understand the enthusiasm. And, yes, getting close to the action is a big part of the appeal. But there is such a thing as getting too close to the action. That's what happened to one Polish drift fan. While his buddies drifted around this tiny oval practice track, he started cheering them on, inching his way closer and closer to the car. Until, you guessed it, he gets served. Hopefully this guy's OK, and hopefully he'll watch from the cheap seats next time.

Is this the dumbest thing you've seen someone do on a drift track? Tell us in the Comments.

Mieczyslaw M
Landing on your jaw is never how you want a skate trick to end

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When it comes to skate slams there's all kinds of body parts to land on. The back is a sure bet to save the family jewels—even though the sack slam is still the most common. Taking it anywhere on the head is gnarly, but particularly so when it's the jaw that receives the beating. Skater Laderek Nettles is probably going to be drinking through a straw after this failed boardslide. Bottoms up!

What do you think of this skate slam? Tell us in the Comments.

This guy made a hilariously awful tutorial for drifting a piece of shit car

On January 20, Network A will drop its new show Drift Garage where Formula Drift drivers Chris Forsberg and Ryan Tuerck teach you how to build a drift car for under $5,000. But that will only focus on getting the car ready, it won't teach how to actually drift. That's where this guy comes in. His tutorial has all the useful tips you'll need to get your front-wheel drive piece of shit car ready to slide sideways. So put onyour green and yellow gloves and get ready for chicks to start fawning over you.

4cyl of power
Is this motorized scooter on a spring art or just a playground toy?

Yes, art is in the eye of the beholder. And we're always one for pushing the boundaries of art. But putting a stolen motor scooter on a spring in a park is a stretch. It's essentially just one of those horsey rides, but for grown ups. Which is perfectly fine with us—the world needs more children's-centric benefits tailored for adults. The French duo Les Frères Ripoulain placing it in Besançon, France and calling it art though is where art becomes pompous. Just call it the adult horsey ride that it is and don't be so full of yourself—it'd be a lot cooler that way.

What do you think of this adult horsey ride? Tell us in the Comments.

h/t Animal NYC

Les Frères Ripoulain
This is the worst speed wobbles skate slam we've ever seen (and heard)

There's really not much you can do when you get the speed wobbles heading down a hill. Sometimes you get lucky and can run it off or roll into the grass. Female skater Ivy Martin got to do neither and took the full brunt of the slam to her face. Hopefully she's alright.

What do you think of this skate slam? Tell us in the Comments.

The Right is the most crazy, mutant wave we've ever seen

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All waves are, and will forever be, judged against Pipeline. It's just how it goes because the jewel of the North Shore is the standard for perfection and greatness. But when it comes to insane, mutant waves that look like they are the spawn of Satan himself, then nothing compares to The Right. Located off the coast of Western Australia in the middle of the Indian Ocean, The Right is the scariest looking wave in the world. And big wave surfer Ryan Hipwood decided it was a good idea to head back there after nearly drowning at The Right in 2012.

Hipwood, Mark Mathews, Dean Morrison, and a few other hellmen tackled The Right on one recent swell. If you're scratching your head wondering why you haven't seen much footage of this wave before it's because no one surfs it, ever. It is just that ridiculous of a wave. But when footage like this does drop, well your jaw does, too.

Is The Right the craziest wave in the world? Tell us in the Comments.

When hitting an insane gap on a BMX bike goes wrong

Freddie Cupacabra, god bless his heart, attempted a rather large gap. Albuquerque, New Mexico was ready for it, but Cupacabra was not. Thankfully he's alright after this rough BMX slam.

What do you think of this BMX slam? Tell us in the Comments.

People are twerking on New York City subway tracks now

What hath Miley wrought? While Miley Cyrus was definitely not the first to twerk, she has perhaps done more than anyone to bring twerking to the forefront of popular culture. Odds are your parents know what twerking is now and that's because of Miley. (Note: We do not advise asking your parents if they know about twerking because regardless of the answer, it will lead to one of the more awkward conversations you've ever had.) Now twerking has spread like a plague. Guinness World Records have been set for twerking. And in perhaps the best indication that twerking has jumped the shark, hosts on The View even shook their asses (though thankfully Barbara Walters did not participate). Now we have this: two women jumped on the New York City subway tracks to twerk. Why? Because, that's why.


Jarisa Fuentes
Michael Jackson, Superman, Eminem, Obama, and more costumed skaters

Last year the Majer Crew got Miley Cyrus to skateboard for Halloween. This year they enlist the likes of Michael Jackson, Superman, Eminem, Barack Obama, and more for their Halloween 2014 costumed skate edit. So watch skater Jason Park do Jason Park kinda things and crew in this ode to costumes for Halloween.

What are you being for this Halloween? Tell us in the Comments.

Watch Robbie Maddison ride his bike through a luge run and off a giant ski jump

We just can't even fathom this. Robbie Maddison, you win. You're just a total beast. Who would even think of riding their bike at Utah Olympic Park in Park City, Utah, through the luge track and hitting the ski jump?! Hitting it at 71mph and going a distance of 374feet, Maddison set a world record for the 185-foot vertical drop. And in case you were wondering, that about 18.5 stories.

What do you think of this world record jump? Tell us in the Comments.

When you're trying to show off in your Ferrari 348 don't crash it

This Ferrari driver's mishap might be a couple years old, but it still serves as a good lesson for us all. When trying to show off in your Ferrari, it's probably best to not crash it—just ask this Ferrari driver.

h/t Car Throttle

What do you think of this fail? Tell us in the Comments.

mouloud eros
Here's skater Jeremy Leabres slamming hard 27 times

Skateboarder Jeremy Leabres blew up last fall when he was featured in Emerica's Made Chapter 1 video. He has a part dropping today with Toy Machine and Thrasher put together this Hall Of Meat compilation of Leabres slamming while filming for his new Toy Machine part. If these 27 slams are just a sign of what's to come from the part, then we know it'll be good.

What do you think of these 27 skate slams? Tell us in the Comments.

Here's the saddest instance ever of a skier trying to hit a jump

Well, that definitely didn't go according to plan. Next time, "Don't go off it."

Car chase suspect attempted to flee on a longboard skateboard

This criminal has some problems. And no, not because he prefers a longboard. But because he can't even ride it.

He was being chased by the cops in a BMW he was suspected to have stolen and he exited the 405 in Van Nuys, California only to run into the back of another car. So he decided to get out and flee with a longboard skateboard in hand. Was the skateboard his? Or was it already in the car?

Problem is though, he can't skate. Granted, he didn't push mongo. And he never mall-grabbed it. But dude, leave that thing on the street. You're clearly not getting away on it.

What do you think of this fail? Tell us in the Comments.

24 stairs, 2 skaters, 1 tree, and a whole bunch of brutal slams

This 24-stair set definitely got the better of skaters Julian Lewis & Davin Wynkoop. Sometimes it's just not in the cards, and you end up paying for it with a ton of brutal skate slams.

What do you think of this skate slam? Tell us in the Comments.

No one's got it rougher than this woman trying to get out of a snowy parking lot

Parking can be tough, unless you're Han Yue that is. But this poor woman in Calgary, Canada had the most difficult time ever trying to get out of a snowy parking lot. It's truly her hell on earth and this surveillance video has exposed her as the worst parker in the entire world. No debating. Watch the video and try to tell us otherwise.

What do you think of this terrible parking? Tell us in the Comments.

h/t Gawker

Kidzidzi Kidzidzi
Watch this skater take four brutal slams on a single rail

This is heavy. Shane Winebrenner takes not one, but four bone-shaking slams on this giant 50-50 attempt, only to limp away without the make. He'll be back for sure (you can tell how bad he wanted this one), but in the meantime it's gonna be all ice and aspirin for Shane. Rest up, man, you earned it.

Here's how NOT to drive your new BMW M4

When you purchase a spiffy new vehicle, your inclination is to always show it off immediately. Some people champion that and some people fail at that. This happy new BMW M4 owner is of the latter.

Going to show it off after coming out of Cars & Coffee in Blackhawk, California, we're not really sure what exactly happens. The guy is pulling down the road, fishtails, and goes flying over the median. Definitely not the way you want to start things off in a new Beamer.

h/t Jalopnik

Drew Storms
Owning a GoPro doesn't make you immune to slamming hard

Most people think that once you purchase a GoPro you'll be making sick edits like all your bros of all the gnarly shit you do. Which is the case sometimes. But as YouTube user Monkeynuts1069 found out last summer, you should probably let someone else be the hero.

Hours after buying a GoPro headstrap he was bombing a hill and dislocated/fractured his ankle. What it left him with was 1 plate and 9 screws. Hopefully he's back on his feet.

Here's how NOT to tow a truck with another truck

A good tow fail is always a solid way to start the week. When you're having a buddy help you tow your truck out you probably want to make sure they understand how tow straps work. Because this guy certainly has no clue how they work. SMH.

h/t Jalopnik

Good Videos
Dirt bike rider tries to powerslide, ends up with face full of mud

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When you're dirt biking through some fresh mud, it's hard not to resist the urge to throw a powerslide and send up a big rooster tail. Of course, sometimes the slide gets away from you and you end up getting dragged through the mud for a really long time. This guy should have just tried an insanely long wheelie.

What do you think of this motocross fail? Tell us in the Comments.

Justin Bieber got shade thrown at him pretty hard at a skatepark recently

Bieber, Bieber, Bieber. Listen, we don't knock Justin Bieber for just trying to skateboard. And for a public figure like himself, it's gotta be pretty hard to just go and have a session because everyone is going to be all up in your stuff. But there's something about this "skateboarding" phase he's going through that reeks of a publicity stunt to make him seem cooler. Whatever though, that's all besides the point here.

While at the Venice Beach Skatepark, Bieber goes for a treflip off a ledge but doesn't quite get it. A kid behind him waiting throws some serious shade at Bieber, immediately landing a treflip off the same ledge and giving Biebs a smirk as he rolls by him. I mean, can you really blame the kid for taking advantage of that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make Justin Bieber look like a fool? We'd have done the same thing, and we're sure most of you would have as well.

Ellis Edwards
Drunk mom tries dropping in for the first time

We all remember our first drop in, but in few cases was it as funny (or painful) as this. But then again, I guess that's just what happens when you pack a plus-sized mom, flip flops, booze, and a pack of cheering skaters into the same skatepark. Kids, tell your parents to behave themselves.

Shout out to Skateline for bringing this one to our attention.

All other drone surfing footage pales in comparison to this drone footage

Follow surf photographer Stu Gibson's drone around the world as he captures footage of some of the best surfing spots with some of the best surfers. Big waves, perfect waves, and everything in between, Stu is getting some incredible imagery.

Alex Olson violates every skate code known to man

Listen, we love Alex Olson's skating. The dude turned has turned in two of the best video parts in two of the most-stacked video's in skate history, for christ's sake. But this? This we cannot abide. If skating with a backpack has been faux pas since the bunchie-panted heyday of Muska (and it has), then skating with a $500 Louis Vuitton bag in a high-fashion ad campaign seeking to capitalize on an already bought, sold, leased, and loaned skate culture is tantamount to street-cred suicide. It's pretty depressing stuff, to be honest, but if you need a silver lining, just think how much less offensive adidas and Nike now look by comparison.

Louis Vuitton
The best winter use for a Lamborghini Huracan is as a snowboard tow

We've seen wakeboarding behind a supercar (that Ferrari F50), but winter snowboarding behind a supercar? Granted, we'd really like to see this Lamborghini Huracan LP610-4 with AWD really open up in the snow, but hey this could be the start of something glorious: offroad Lambo racing.

h/t Car Throttle

Cheshire Gent