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In this week's Halloween edition of NKA Project, Batman and Superman make a guest appearance as they battle it out in a Game of S-K-A-T-E. These Superheroes are no stranger to pain but watch and see who can take the shock of a taser in an attempt for the win.

Your favorite pink taser is back for revenge! Miss a trick, take a hit. This next-level style of S-K-A-T-E keeps you on your toes. Watch as Jesus Algeria and Jeremiah Johnson skate their hearts in an effort to not get shocked on this episode of NKA Project.

Miss a trick, earn a letter... and then get tazed. Nigel Alexander takes the classic Game Of SKATE to the next level in this week's episode of NKA Project. Bringing the taser back out, skaters Elliot Murphy and John Oskaverk brave the shocking risks of the heated match. Watch to see who takes it in the armpit and whose nipple gets zapped! We don't know what's heavier, the skating or the shocking.