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Slow Motion

Watching a guy get slapped in the face by a flaming hand is mesmerizing

The guys at Beyond Slow Motion know that the first thing anyone does when they film with a high-speed camera is to show someone getting hit in the face with something. It can be a water balloon, a bag of flour, a cake; it doesn't really matter. But director Darren Dyk is a veteran of filming in ultra-slow-motion. This is the same guy who has filmed skaters breaking fluorescent lights and found innovative uses for sidewalk chalk. So if he was going to do a video of someone getting slapped in the face it had to be special. Dyk had the idea to film someone getting hit in the face with a flaming hand. The only problem was Dyk couldn't find anyone willing to be smacked by a fire hand. (Who'dve thunk it?) That left only one option: Dyk had to be the smackee. He recruited some friends to lay the smack down on him and the result is strangely hypnotic.

Ryan Nyquist's BMX Magic Remote: Getting Awesome Ep. 14

Professional BMX rider and Rad Dad Ryan Nyquist opens the door to his world and that shows balancing daily life with two young boys is no easy task. With too much energy and plenty of toys, it looks like a tornado ran through the house! Just when Ryan gives up hope on getting a BMX session in for the day he finds a magic remote! With slow motion and fast forward in full effect Ryan finds the time to clean the house, speed over to Scotts Valley trails, and throw down some mean tricks in slow mo.

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STREET: The Evolution of Snowboarding @ X Games

The Winter X Games has come a long way in the past ten years and now, more than ever, it covers all aspects of snowboarding. From slopestyle to big air and now finally a legitimate street contest, the most talented riders in the world all have a chance to compete for gold. Louif Paradis, Brandon Hobush and Dylan Thompson are of a certain breed, one that you would least expect in contests, but thanks to this evolution they are given the opportunity to shine on the internationally televised stage. Listen and watch as they speak their mind about being involved, filming video parts and what the future may hold for Winter X.

CLICK HERE for 120 seconds of action from the STREET contest at Winter X Games -

Additional footage from:

Louif's X Games Real Snow part -
Dylan's 2012 full part, "Clipped Up" -
Transworld SNOWboarding's "These Days" -
Pat Fenelon - @patfenelon

Music by:
Courtesy of Loci Records

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Even in slow motion it's tough to wrap your head around Daewon Song's triple kickflip

The wizard of tech does it again.
It must be really hard to skate with Daewon Song. You're pushing along feeling really good about landing bolts on a hardflip and then along comes Daewon busting out triple kickflips. It's great to see this trick in slow motion first and then to see it in real time because it makes you appreciate just how fast Daewon flicks his board.

Is Daewon Song doing video game tricks or are video games doing Daewon tricks?

It's a good thing Daewon's Jer Air is in slow motion, otherwise we'd have no idea what he was doing.
Daewon Song has been on the forefront of technical skating longer some pros have been alive. But he still continues to push boundaries and progress his skating. For Ride Channel's latest "Skateboarding in Slow Motion" video, Daewon pulled a Jer Air on a miniramp. The Jer Air involves ollieing and then passing the board from one hand to the other between the legs and landing fakie. It's s a trick more often seen in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater than in real life, and is further proof that "Skateboarding in Slow Motion" should be renamed "Daewon Song's Skateboarding in Slow Motion."

Slow-motion motocross riding with Zach Osborne and Jordon Smith

Frames Per Second from Vurb Moto is a unique thing that we don't see often enough in the motocross world. It's a little more artsy, but it still features some incredible riding. Here, they catch up with Zach Osborne and Jordon Smith as they train for the start of Supercross.

Vurb Moto
Watching Ken Block drive in overly dramatic slow motion will make your Monday so much better

Don't let yourself get a case of the Mondays. Gymkhana and Rallycross driver Ken Block put together this package of his 2013 highlights in overly dramatic slow motion. This is like really slow and really good.

Watch skier Nick Goepper do a switch double cork 900 screaming semen "Matrix"-style

Slopestyle skier Nick Goepper is one of the top American hopefuls at the 2014 Olympics. And after watching him perform some of his signature tricks, Matrix-style it's easy to see why. The guys at Red Bull rigged up a sophisticated camera system to film Goepper doing an unnatural double cork 1260 and a switch double cork 900 screamin' semen (the best named trick ever). The MōVI allowed the filmers to capture Goepper's riding from a pulled back and zoomed in angles to truly capture the intricacy of the tricks. The tricks are so technical that even after watching all the tiniest details of Goepper's skiing in slow motion, it's still hard to wrap your head around what exactly is going on.

120 Seconds of Street @ Winter X Games

The street contest was taken to another level at the 2013 Winter X Games. Gold was taken by Louif Paradis, silver by Dylan Alito and bronze by Dylan Thompson in a heated battle. Check out the highlights from the event, also featuring Jaeger Bailey, Nick Visconti, Dan Brisse, Brandon Hobush and Jonah Owen.

CLICK HERE for the mini-documentary about the evolution of STREET at Winter X Games -

Additional footage from Pat Fenelon - @patfenelon

Music by:
"Dusk to Dawn"
Courtesy of Loci Records

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