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Never Not

Nike Snowboarding is taking a philosophical approach for its "Never Not" video

Get ready because Nike Snowboarding is going to release a two-part snowboarding video called "Never Not."
The commercial for the video just premiered and it explores the two sides of snowboarding ("For every dream, a nightmare....For every win, someone who loses it."). It all seems a little high-minded and philosophical, but the level of riding can't be denied. With a team that features Nicolas Müller, Danny Kass, Halldor Helgason and Scotty Lago, "Never Not" should be one of the must-see snowboard videos this season.

A lot of ragdolling went into Nike Snowboarding's Never Not video

You can't have the thrill of victory without the agony of defeat.
Nike Snowboarding is going to release its two-part video "Never Not" on September 16. It's sure to be filled with big mountain lines and crazy street jibs. To score those clips, however, the Nike snowboarders had to endure the clips in this slams video. Halldor Helgason and the rest of the Nike team were broken off in all kinds of new and interesting ways while filming for Never Not.

Snowboarder Austin Smith likes to swallow

The Nike rider went H.A.M. on his swallowtail board while filming for the Never Not video.
Austin Smith was in Japan two years ago and saw lots of snowboarders in the lift line using handmade swallowtail boards. Smith decided to try his hand at making his own custom board out of wood when he returned home. He discovered that making snowboards is harder than it looks. Luckily, he was able to convince his board sponsor, Nitro Snowboards to make a swallowtail snowboard for him with a short, fat shape. While filming for Nike Snowboarding's Never Not video, Smith thought he might just use the board on one or two powder days. He ended up riding it about 50 percent of the time.

This is what snowboarding sounds like

Nike Snowboarding creates a mash-up of the sounds in Never Not video.
Snowboarding has a unique sound. Any snowboarder could be blindfolded and still identify wax being scraped off a board or a rider sliding down a kinked rail based solely on the information received through the ears. In most snowboard videos, music plays over the action so viewers don't get to hear those authentic sounds. Nike Snowboarding captured that overlooked audio and made a mash-up of it. All the sounds were recorded during the filming of its two-part Never Not video.

Nike snowboarder Justin Bennee pops the top off a ledge

Bennee busts out the winch for his part in the "Never Not" video.
Snowboarder Justin Bennee isn't afraid to bring out the big guns. For his part in Nike Snowboarding's upcoming two-part "Never Not" video, Bennee went for a trick on a massive up-ledge that required a lot of things to come together. Bennee used a winch to tow him into the feature and needed to get the speed, pop, landing, and ride-away dialed in precisely.

Nike Snowboarding releases trailer for Part 1 of "Never Not" video

We are in full swing of snowboard trailer season. And soon it will be time for all the videos whose trailers we've been salivating over all summer to come out. One of the most anticipated snowboard videos this season is Nike Snowboarding's two-part "Never Not" video. The teaser for part 1 of "Never Not" just came out and it's a doozy. Featuring parts from Nike's heavy-hitting team of Nicolas Müller, Halldor Helgason, Justin Bennee, Jess Kimura, Austin Smith, Jed Anderson, Gigi Rüf, Spencer O’Brien, "Never Not" is sure to set the bar pretty high for this season's shred flicks.

Nike is spoiling us with promos for "Never Not" snowboard video

The date is quickly approaching when Nike Snowboarding's "Never Not" will finally be released in it's entirety. But Nike keeps putting out dope teaser clip after dope teaser clip. The latest one features Nicolas Müller, Gigi Rüf, Scotty Lago, and Jed Anderson exploring the deepest powder possible in some legit backcountry riding locales from Alaska to Austria. With promo footage this good, we can't wait to see what actually makes it into the movie.

Watch Nike Snowboarding's "Never Not, Part 1" video for 24 hours only

What you've got right here is 32 minutes of Nike Snowboarding's team romping everything from long, kinked rails to the highest backcountry peaks in Alaska and Canada, all set to an incredible soundtrack. (The fee to use the Rolling Stones song is probably more than most snowboard production companies' entire budgets.)
Featuring the likes of Nicolas Müller, Gigi Rüf, Jed Anderson, Jess Kimura, and Halldór Helgason, "Never Not, Part 1" is only live for the next 24 hours—so make sure you sit down and check this out. Otherwise you'll just have to buy it, which you'll probably want to do anyways.

Watch Jed Anderson's full part from Nike Snowboarding's "Never Not"

Its rare to see any snowboarding clip set to an Elliot Smith song, but it truly works for Jed Anderson's part from Nike Snowboarding's Never Not, Part 1. Set to "King's Crossing," Anderson's snowboarding is far from depressing (which is how Smith's music is often characterized) and features a mix of backcountry kickers and street rails, with a heavy emphasis on the latter.

Halldor Helgason wore a neck brace for his massive roof gap in Never Not

When talking about snowboarding, you can start a lot of sentences with "Only Halldor Helgason would..." It's actually a pretty fun game. Let's try it. Only Halldor Helgason would look at this roof gap for three years and think it had the potential for a snowboard trick. Only Halldor Helgason would attempt the trick three days after injuring his neck and being forced to wear a neck brace. Only Halldor Helgason would land a super clean backflip over the gap and then do it again because the video camera mounted to the remote-controlled helicopter didn't get the shot as nicely as he wanted. Only Halldor Helgason would think that it's easier to do a backflip over the roof gap than a straight air. You can go on and on.

Nike Snowboarding team parks it up from Whistler to Keystone

Following the initial release of Nike Snowboarding's Never Not video, the Swoosh is continuing to drop clips from the video on the web. (It's a genius idea, really.) This week Nike brings us a sick park edit as the riders head from Whistler, British Columbia, to Keystone, Colorado.

Watch Nike Snowboarding's "Never Not" Part 2 video

Nike Snowboarding's Never Not Part 1 definitely lived up to the hype. And Part 2 is more of the same. Except it takes a behind-the-scenes look at what goes into getting the shot, contests, and inspiration for the snowboarders that starred in Part 1. An entirely separate director and film crew produced Part 2, so this isn't just the hijinks that the guy filming the tricks happened to get. These guys started the project with one focus: Getting insight into the lives of Gigi Rüf, Halldór Helgason, Jed Anderson, Scotty Lago, Danny Kass, Louie Vito, Nicolas Müller, and more.

Watch Gigi Ruf's full part from Nike Snowboarding's "Never Not" Part 1 video

Nike Snowboarding has been releasing teasers, Part 2, and full parts all fall long from their new two part Never Not video and it's been incredible. And Gigi Ruf's full part is no exception to this. Set to "Rock 'N' Roll Suicide" by David Bowie, Ruf's backcountry riding is like a piece of art. His prowess in the powder is up there with the best of them. Do yourself a favor and enjoy this video part.


Halldor Helgason jumped off a lot of buildings in his "Never Not" part

Halldor Helgason is a man possessed on a snowboard. We're glad that Nike finally dropped his full part from Never Not for us to all enjoy online, because it's mind-blowing. We had already known about the massive roof gap he does while wearing a neck brace, but we weren't prepared for all the rest of the buildings he jumps off as well. Helgasson goes big in this part, and it's obvious buildings are no match for him.


Snowboarder Justin Bennee's part in Nike's "Never Not" video is like whoa

Nike Snowboarding is still giving us great gifts from their recent snowboard video Never Not—which is nice with the holidays approaching. The latest is the shared part from Never Not with Nike snowboarders Justin Bennee, Johnnie Paxson, Sage Kotsenburg, and Ethan Morgan. Usually when a bunch of riders have to share a part it means the riding is sub-par. That is definitely not the case here. Each of the riders delivers some bangers in the streets and in the backcountry. And Black Rob's "Like Whoa" is the perfect song for this video.


Nicolas Muller riding to the Rolling Stones in Nike's "Never Not" is perfect

As we mentioned when they released Justin Bennee's part, Nike Snowboarding is continuing to give us nice gifts this holiday season in the form of more footage from its Never Not video. The latest is Nicolas Muller's full part, which is set to The Rolling Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want." Muller's tweaked out grabs and jovial vibes fit perfectly with this track, as we should expect from this great snowboard movie. If Bode Merrill doesn't have the best snowboard part of the year, then Muller certainly does.

Dose: Laura Hadar has two of the best jobs ever

Laura Hadar splits her time between being a pro snowboarder and running a streetwear store.
After making a name for herself with her urban rail riding, the Nike snowboarder is now adding backcountry charger to her list of accomplishments. Hadar spent last season logging helicopter miles in search of powder. When she isn't on the mountain, Hadar is at her Salt Lake City shop, FICE Gallery, which stocks some of the premier streetwear brands. Dose caught up with Hadar at the Agenda tradeshow to find out how she balances it all and to get the scoop on Nike's upcoming video "Never Not."

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